

You say you left me Because you cared Loved me enough To let me go What sense does it make To take away my breath So as to give me life A life without you Made me a fish out of water To help me survive The reason unbeknownst The conclusion unimaginable Who did you think It would help Me or yourself For it only brought me pain A pain for loss  A heartbreak uncalled for And you made me helpless Helpless enough to not even being able To blame you


You leave me Taking away my sanity Playing with my broken pieces I wish you back The hurt doesn't matter It's what makes me believe Believe that you were real I live in the same hope The very hope you left me with The hope that what we had Was more than a mere memory It is not so forgettable You suffer from it Just like I do The sleepless nights The haunting dreams Aren't just one sided Surreal as it is I still wait for you At the crack of dawn

Lone Wolf

The silence of night engulfs me Like nothing else matters It gives me the hope In the eerie darkness That light could not provide For it is the love of moon That makes a lone wolf cry Not the shining sun rays And it is the darkness That completes me

Our Generation

                                      We are the generation  That bonds over tragedies That relates with grief We put on fake smiles To mask the insecurities To hinder the interference We create fake identities Being too scared of the reality Being the loner in the group We have somehow found familiarity In this darkness In this emptiness We have started fearing  The happiness we can get The peace we strived for And it scares me!!!

To You, O dear Wanderer

You are so much more Than the blemishes on your face Than dark circles under your eyes You are so much more Than the body type you possess Than the habits you caress You are so much more Than the clothes you wear Than the demons you fear You are so much more Than the expectations of people around Than everything you yourself surround You are so much more and beyond Do not let anyone have you conned

My Body

They said my body  Is a temple If my body  Is a temple Why do I want to Burn it down to the ground If my body  Is a temple Why do I want to Scrub it raw If my body Is a temple Why do I want to Cut it down My body is Not A TEMPLE It's a body It's just a body......


This solitude looks lovely But only in the morning When peace and calm Prevail all along But the sun sets With the new found dusk The night arrives soon after Turning the solitude into Shadows of your deepest fears Surrounding you in every place The peace gives place To all those screams You keep hidden in your heart And the calm, This calm does nothing But aggravates the chaos inside you And you finally realise That nothing will ever be the same again